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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Summer fun, staying active

Confessions of a Fitness Trainer

‘My fitness routine goes out the window in the summer.’

‘I’m on vacation – the LAST thing I want to do is exercise.’

‘Forget it…I’ll just get healthy in September.’

Having this type of ‘all or nothing’ attitude can lead to a snowball of poor choices. A lack of physical activity is often accompanied by all day snacking and patio parties. 

This is not to say that holidays and summertime should not be enjoyed with social gatherings and downtime – of course they should.

However, the problem is that summer vacation mode usually lasts for more than a short time and once September rolls around the dread of going back to the routine comes with it. 

What if instead of thinking we have to ‘get back on track’, we realized that we’re always on the track and that the track just changes as time goes on and will continue to do so. 

Rather than viewing holidays as a time to do nothing, what if you took the opportunity to mix in different types of activities such as exploring nature by canoe, by bike, or on foot, joining a golf, tennis or pickleball league, participating in an outdoor fitness or yoga class, or if you’re feeling super adventurous, having a go at windsurfing or kiteboarding.

If you have school aged kids, it might mean getting active as a family by going biking or swimming as a group. For months, I have seen the same family of four go on a daily run together. It’s so refreshing and simple.

Nutritionally, perhaps you can try different combinations to make the perfect fruit smoothie or attempt new recipes on the barbecue. Brussel sprouts were never my thing but throw them on the grill with a bit of olive oil, lime juice and sprinkling of salt and pepper, and suddenly they are a summer favourite.

If you enjoy your time at the gym, that’s great but fitness doesn’t have to mean dragging yourself there every day of the year. The key to health is to stay sustainably active – whatever that means to you.

It’s summer and yes, your routine might change but maybe that’s just part of the routine.

Tips of the day

  • Use the warmer weather to enjoy outdoor activities that aren’t available during the colder months.
  • Choose a mix of both challenging and restorative activities. 
  • Enjoy your summer!

Kathryn McKenzie – B.H.Kin, B.Ed

Certified Kinesiologist, Sport Conditioning Specialist & Personal Trainer

Author, Pizza Lover & Owner of Surefire Fitness

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